Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Subedi

Year 2 Teacher

Miss Newton

Year 2 Teacher

Dear all,


Welcome back to you all after the summer break to Year 2!

We are really excited about the year ahead with the class and seeing all the amazing things they can achieve and the progress they make. Our topic this term is Inventors and Explorers and in Science we are continuing our learning about materials. We are looking forward to our school trip to the Time and Tide Museum in a few weeks as well for our Explorers workshop.


PE and Forest School

PE is still on a Wednesday so please send your child in to school in their PE kit. We are very excited that Year 2 have started their Forest School sessions which will also be on a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child does have appropriate clothing for this, especially as the weather starts to become more autumnal. 

Reading at home

Reading books are changed on Monday and Friday. The books must be returned to school before a new one is issued. Please ensure that children are reading at home every day for 10 minutes as this is fundamental to their learning and progress in school. This can also be recorded in their green reading records.


Homework is given out every two weeks, please make sure that it is handed in by the date shown in their homework books so that they have the opportunity to share their hard work with the class. 


When we have cooking, please bring a cooking pot with you to school so that you can take it home the same day. Unfortunately, children who do not bring in a pot are not able to take their cooking the next day! Please make sure your cooking pot is labelled with your name. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and talk to one of us. 

We look forward to all the hard work, excitement and fun we will be having this term!


Mrs Subedi and Miss Newton

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YR2 Cooking, by Miss Stannard

St Martins Way,
Norfolk IP24 3PU
Mr James Julian, Headteacher
Mrs Emma Denty, Deputy Head/SENDCO/Safeguarding