Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Dives


Mrs Heffernan

Year 6 Teacher

Mrs Akhaei

Aylmerton day five

Today saw the end to our residential to Aylmerton. The children began the day by stripping their beds and packing their suitcases (this was a massive challenge for some!). After breakfast we made our way to a VERY windy Cromer. We started off in the museum and then we went on a town trail to find some clues to open our cases of treasure. We then made our way into the church for a story and some lunch before heading back to the coach where every child was gifted a memory stone.

From myself, Mr Stansfield, Mr Wicks, Mr Dorrell and Miss Jobbins we would like to say a massive thank you to all the children for a fantastic week. Every single one had a great time, learnt something new, tried food they had never tried before, completed activities they had never done BUT most of all they all came together and supported each other throughout the week. Well done to you all, get plenty of rest this weekend!

Aylmerton day four

Photos will be on the gallery once again!

Today has been another excellent day. It started with a visit to Horsey to see the seals, we then hopped across to Sea Palling for lunch and a stroll along the beach. After lunch we went to Wroxham and everyone got the chance to drive a boat. Many children spotted lots of unusual birds along the way and learnt lots about the broads. Upon our return it was time for the children to start packing before dinner and then we were joined by a storyteller. The children were completed captivated by his stories and listened with respect. The next big test is to see if they can get everything back in their suitcases to come home tomorrow.

Aylmerton day three


*Please go the Gallery - Aylmerton Day 3 for photos*

Today has been an action packed day full of team building activities. The three key words were communication, cooperation and encouragement. The children were amazing and really worked together to get their challenges completed. Today, we were instructed on making soup and cooking it over a fire, getting through a spiders web, crossing an acid river, detonating a bomb and an agility course. After lunch we then went on a 4 mile monster trail where the children had to use a compass and follow a map. They all did fantastically well and managed to get round without complaint. After dinner we then took them to the reef swimming pool in sheringham where the children had an hour of fun play. Then it was back to the centre for a hot chocolate and lights out ready for yet another busy day tomorrow.

Aylmerton day two

firstly apologies for the photos last night. We had major technical difficulties and after two hours that was the best we could manage! Hopefully tonight is more successful! 

The children are well settled in now and listening well to instructions. Today we did three mini activities of - the un-nature trail, owl and mouse and the blindfold trail. These all tested our senses. We then headed back into the forest for a den building activity where we were challenged to create dens that were structurally sound and waterproof. When the time was up the waterproof ability was then tested by the teachers who got their revenge with super soakers! After lunch we then headed to West Runton to look at the rock pools for fossils and precious stone. Lots of us came home with rare treasure. After dinner we had a chill night and watched a movie in the pavilion with our pyjamas, duvets and pillows. Time for an early night ready for a busy day tomorrow. 

Aylmerton day 1

Today has been a great day and the children have discovered that making a bed isn't as easy as it looks! We all became pirates this afternoon and ventured across the high ropes, over the bog of doom and learnt how to make fire. After dinner we went on our twilight safari. The children are all suitably tired and asleep ready for tomorrow. 


Spring Term 2025

Welcome back and Happy New Year. The Spring Term is looking busy already. Please see below dates for your diary. Just a reminder that PE is on a Thursday - full PE kit is required at all times (a coloured plain tshirt, black trousers or shorts and trainers). May I also remind you that school uniform is a requirement and children will be asked to change if their uniform does not match what is stated on the website.


  • Reading Cafe - 21.1.25 (9-10am)
  • Cooking - 28.1.25
  • Aylmerton - 3.2.25-7.2.25
  • Class assembly - 26.2.25 (10-10.20)
  • Stay and learn - 10.3.25 (3.15-3.15)


Dates for the diary

  • Reading cafe 25/9/24
  • Cooking 1/10/24
  • Class Assembly 16/10/24
  • Stay and learn 11/11/24
  • Duxford trip - date to be confirmed

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back to the new school year. It is lovely to see the children in their navy jumpers and looking very smart. They have settled well into year 6. This year the children will be taught by Mrs Heffernan every day and Mrs Dives (HLTA) will be our assistant every day.

A few reminders:

  • Our school day starts at 8.35
  • Our PE day is Thursday
  • Times table wheels to be completed every day
  • Reading should be completed and signed by an adult at least 4 times a week.
  • Reading books will be changed every Thursday/Friday.

We have a lot of exciting things happening this year including Aylmerton, if you have any questions or queries please feel free to catch myself before or after school.

Mrs Heffernan

Just one person (c maj backing track)_C_major__bpm_91.mp3 LOWEST Any Dream Will Do Karaoke (320 kbps)_A♭_major__bpm_126.mp3

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Year 6: Gallery items

Aylmerton day four, by Mrs Heffernan

Aylmerton Day 3, by Mrs Heffernan

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St Martins Way,
Norfolk IP24 3PU
Mr James Julian, Headteacher
Mrs Emma Denty, Deputy Head/SENDCO/Safeguarding