Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Dives
Mrs Heffernan
Year 6 Teacher
Mrs Akhaei
Dates for the diary
- Reading cafe 25/9/24
- Cooking 1/10/24
- Class Assembly 16/10/24
- Stay and learn 11/11/24
- Duxford trip - date to be confirmed
Welcome Back!!!
Welcome back to the new school year. It is lovely to see the children in their navy jumpers and looking very smart. They have settled well into year 6. This year the children will be taught by Mrs Heffernan every day and Mrs Dives (HLTA) will be our assistant every day.
A few reminders:
- Our school day starts at 8.35
- Our PE day is Thursday
- Times table wheels to be completed every day
- Reading should be completed and signed by an adult at least 4 times a week.
- Reading books will be changed every Thursday/Friday.
We have a lot of exciting things happening this year including Aylmerton, if you have any questions or queries please feel free to catch myself before or after school.
Mrs Heffernan