Redcastle SHIP (Specialist Hub of Inclusive Practice)
Our SHIP, called Starlight, opened September 2024.
SHIPs are a developing network of provisions for children and young people with SEND located in mainstream schools across Norfolk. The development of the SHIPs is part of Norfolk County Council’s Local First Inclusion Programme. This six year improvement programme aims to enable children and young people with SEND to access a consistently high-quality education locally, having their needs met through access to the right support for their needs.
SHIPs form part of, and will operate alongside, the existing and developing Specialist Resource Bases (SRBs) family of provisions: ADD LINK.
All SRBs and SHIPs provide additional staffing and resources, tailored environments and expertise to enable children to thrive in mainstream school environments, whilst accessing the bespoke support they need.
Who is the SHIP for?
SHIPs offer children who have a range of co-occurring needs such as neurodiversity; social, emotional and mental health; and learning difficulties a personalised, child-centred approach to learning and small group support, whilst also benefitting from inclusive practice within the mainstream setting.
Children accessing a SHIP will have the underlying potential to access aspects of a mainstream school offer once needs have been identified and strategies have been implemented.
SHIPs are for children living in the locality of the mainstream school, thereby enabling children to attend school close to home and take part in activities after school in the area and with other local children.
What can a SHIP offer my child?
Each SHIP has capacity to meet the needs of 8 children. Redcastle has two SHIPs: a Reception and KS1 unit with capacity for 8 children and a KS2 unit with a capacity of a further 8 children. A qualified teacher manages the day-to-day running of each SHIP and are supported by higher level teaching assistants (HLTAs) and teaching assistants (TAs). All staff are trained in working with children and young people with SEND. Hub staff can call on expert advice from an Educational Psychologist, teachers from Norfolk’s special schools (Specialist Partners) and specialist teachers from the Local Authority. SHIPs also have access to commissioned Occupational Therapy support and a link Speech and Language Therapist.
Reception/KS1 hub
KS2 hub
Lead Teacher
Mrs Emerson
Mr Stansfield
Teaching Assistants
Miss Barratt
Mrs Bell
Mr Higgs
Mr Hunter-Lines
Whilst staff are allocated to one of the hubs, they do work across both to support all of the pupils.
How does my child get a place at your SHIP?
SHIPs provide permanent placements until the end of the education phase of the hub. A new referral can be made, if appropriate, before the end of the phase.
In time, and as the provision grows, the referrals process for SHIPs will be initiated by the child’s current school or through the Early Year’s Advisory Team, similar to the admissions process for other SRB’s. However, in the current admissions process, referrals are not being accepted for SHIPs. Children already on admissions lists are being considered in the first instance along with children identified through the Early Years Advisory team.
Can we come to Redcastle to see the SHIP?
While the Local Authority work through current admissions lists, we are unable to offer tours around Starlight. However, if your child is offered a place, we would be delighted to offer you a tour of the hub.